To ensure that students are making adequate satisfactory progress toward degree completion each semester (Fall & Spring), the Computer Science Department reviews the cumulative GPA and grades earned by all current CS MS (SEAS & CVN).
We understand that students experience academic difficulty for a variety of reasons. This monitoring and the associated status are not meant to punish or stigmatise. Instead, the goal is to successfully identify and resolve the challenges so that all students can complete their degrees successfully.
As noted in the program requirements, the department allows a maximum of one D grade towards the CS MS. If a student earns additional D grades for a course, these cannot be counted towards the CS MS program. The course(s) must be repeated or substituted with a suitable, approved alternative.
For MS students experiencing academic difficulty, we assign one of three statuses:
Strict Probation – For cumulative GPA equal to or below 2.49
Probation – For cumulative GPA between 2.50 and 2.69
For both these statuses, the student will be required to meet with the Director for Student and Academic Services to discuss their strategies for recovery and to restore their GPA to good standing of at least 2.7 in a timely manner. Students who fail to do so are subject to dismissal from the program.
Warning – For cumulative GPA between 2.7 and 2.99
This status reflects the need for caution as the student’s GPA is in danger of dropping below the minimum 2.7 permitted for the MS Program. In this case, students are strongly encouraged to meet with the Director for Student and Academic Services or their CS Advisor. This status is removed once the student earns a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher.