NLP & Speech

The CS undergrad shares how he started doing research in the Speech Lab and won a Best Paper award at EMNLP 2021.

CS researchers presented their work at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2024).

Professor Kathleen R. McKeown is the recipient of the 2023 IEEE Innovation in Societal Infrastructure Award—the highest award recognizing significant technological achievements and contributions to the establishment, development, and proliferation of innovative societal infrastructure systems.
The Speech and Natural Language Processing groups do fundamental work in language understanding and generation with applications to a wide variety of topics, including summarization, argumentation, persuasion, sentiment, detecting deceptive, emotional and charismatic speech, text-to-speech synthesis, analysis of social media to detect mental illness, abusive language, and radicalization.
The groups collaborate closely on many research projects with each other, with language faculty in other universities, and with Columbia faculty in other disciplines. They also mentor a very large number of master’s and undergraduate research project students who participate in their research each semester. They have regular talks for faculty, students, and the larger New York area community.