2005 Retreat
Click on the images to enlarge them.

John Kender, David Waltz, Luca Carloni, Steve Feinerclockwise from front left

Front Table facing camera: Peter Allen, Jason Nieh, Shree Nayar, Luis Gravano - Rear Table facing camera: Peter Belhumeurleft to right

John Kender & David Waltz (back to camera)

Steve Bellovin, Tal Malkin, Jonathan Gross, Eitan GrinspunLeft to right facing camera



Rocco Servedio, Steve Feiner, Eitan Grinspun, John KenderLeft to right


Rocco Servedio, Steve Feiner, Henning, Schulzrinne, John Kender, Steve Bellovin left to right

Adam Cannon, Mihalis Yannakakis, Al Aho, David Waltz, Luca Carloni, Angelos Keromytis, Steve EdwardsLeft to right

Steve Feiner, Eitan Grinspun, Rocco Servedio, Steve Bellovinleft to right


Henning Schulzrinne



Al Aho, Shree Nayar, Tony Jebara, Adam Cannon, Sal Stolfo, Angelos Keromytis front to back

Trinity Retreat Center, West Cornwall, CT

Rocco Servedio, Steve Edwards, Mihalis, Yannakakis, Sal Stolfo, Angelos Keromytis, Luca Carloni, Al Aho, David Waltz, Henning Schulzrinne, Eitan Grinspun, Shree Nayar, Tony Jebara (behind Bellovin), Steve Bellovin, John Kender, Steve Feiner, Adam Cannonleft to right front