TLDR: TSExplain helps you find the evolving explanations of the aggregated time series!
Aggregated time series are generated effortlessly everywhere, e.g., "total confirmed covid-19 cases since 2019" and "total liquor sales over time." Understanding "how" and "why" these key performance indicators (KPI) evolve over time is critical to making data-informed decisions. Existing explanation engines focus on explaining one aggregated value or the difference between two relations. However, this falls short of explaining KPIs' continuous changes over time. TSEXPLAIN is a system that explains aggregated time series by surfacing the underlying evolving top contributors.
Code and Demo
Our code is available at https://github.com/Ireneruru/tsexplain.

Related Papers
TSEXPLAIN: Explaining Aggregated Time Series by Surfacing Evolving Contributors
Yiru Chen, and Silu HuangIn The IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2023[pdf]