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Kwak, Kyung Joon, Baryshnikov, Yuliy, and Coffman, E. G., Jr.,
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IEEE Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, (SASO'08), 393-402.
Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E.G., Jr., and
Jelenkovic, P., ``Space Filling and Depletion'' , J. Appl. Prob., 41 (2004), 691-702. File: postscript
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Flatto, L.,
Jelenkovic, P., ``Interval Packing: The Vacant-Interval
Distribution'' Ann. Appl. Prob.,
10 (2000), 240-257. File: pdfpostscript
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Flatto, L.,
Jelenkovic, P., and Poonen, B., ``Packing Random Intervals
On-Line'' Algorithmica22 (1998), 448-476. File: postscript
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Flatto, L., and
Jelenkovic, P., ``A Central Limit Theorem for Stochastic
Interval Packing,'' Tech. Rep., Bell Labs, 1997. File: pdfpostscript
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Poonen, B., and
Winkler, P., ``Packing Random Intervals,'' Probability Theory and Related
Fields, 102 (1995),
105--121. File: pdfpostscript
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Fayolle, G.,
Jacquet, P., and Robert, P., ``Largest-First Sequential
Selection with a Sum Constraint,'' Op. Res. Letters, 9 (1990), 141-146.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Flatto, L. and
Weber, R. R., ``Optimal Selection of Stochastic Intervals
under a Sum Constraint,'' Adv. Appl.
Prob., 19 (1987), 454-473.
Calderbank, A. R., Coffman, E. G., Jr.,
and Flatto, L., ``A Note Extending the Analysis of Two-Head
Disk Systems to More Realistic Seek-Time Characteristics,''
IEEE Trans. Comp.,38 (1989), 1584-1586.
Calderbank, A. R., Coffman, E. G., Jr.
and Flatto, L., ``Optimal Directory Placement on Disk
Storage Devices,'' J. Assoc. Comp.
Mach., 35 (1988), 433-446.
Calderbank, A. R., Coffman, E. G., Jr.,
and Flatto, L., ``Sequencing Two Servers on the Sphere,'' Stochastic Models,1 (1985), 17-28.
Calderbank, A. R., Coffman, E. G., Jr.,
and Flatto, L., ``Sequencing Problems in Two-Server
Systems,'' Math. Oper. Res.,10 (1985), 595-598.
Calderbank, A. R., Coffman, E. G., Jr.,
and Flatto, L. ``Optimum Head Separation in a Disk System
with Two Read/Write Heads,'' J.
Assoc. Comp. Mach., 31
(1984), 826-838.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Sethi, R.,
``Instruction Sets for Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions,''
J. Assoc. Comp. Mach.,30 (1983), 457-478.
Coffman, E. G., Jr. and So, K., ``On
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on Computer Architecture, (1980), 72-79.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Ryan, T. A., and
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Execution of a Single Process,'' Computer
Architectures and Networks, Gelenbe, E. and Mahl, R.
(eds.), North Holland (1974), 375-387.
Steven M. Nowick, E. G. Coffman, Peggy B. McGee, ``Efficient
performance analysis of asynchronous systems based on periodicity,"
Proceedings, Third IEEE/ACM/IFIP International
Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis
(CODES+ISSS'05), 2005, pp. 225--230.
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Microprogram Model of Parallelism and Register-Sharing,'' Computers and Automata, Symp. Proc.
Vol.XXI, Polytechnic Press, Polytechnic Institute of
Brooklyn (1971), 215-223.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., ``Formal Models of
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Int. Seminar on Computer Science, Sept. 1969. Computing
Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Muntz, R.R.,
``Models of Resource Allocation Using Pure Time-Sharing
Disciplines,'' Proc. 24th ACM Nat.
Conf., (1969), 217-228.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Kleinrock, L.,
``Computer Scheduling Methods and Their Countermeasures,''
AFIPS Conf. Proc., 32 (1968 SJCC), 11-21.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Elphick, M., and
Shoshani, A., ``System Deadlocks,'' Computing Surveys, 2 (1971), 67-78.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Elphick, M., and
Shoshani, A., ``System Deadlocks,'' Distributed Computing: Concepts and Implementations,
McEntire, P.L., O'Reilly, J.G. and Larsen, R.E. (eds.), IEEE
Press, 1984.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Denning, P.J.,
Operating Systems Theory,
Prentice-Hall, 1973.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., ``Deadlocks in
Computer Systems,'' in Infotech
State-of-the-Art Reports, Infotech Ltd., England 1973.
Bruno, J.L., Coffman, E.G., Jr., and
Hosken, W., ``Consistency of Synchronization Nets Using P
and V Operations,'' Proc. 13-th Symp.
Switching and Automata Theory (SWAT'72), (1972), 71-76.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Shoshani, A.,
``Sequencing Tasks in Multiprocess Multiple Resource Systems
to Avoid Deadlocks,'' Proc. 10-th
Symp. Switching and Automata Theory (SWAT'70), (1970), 225-233.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Shoshani, A.,
``Detection and Prevention of Deadlocks,'' Proc. Third Annual Princeton Conf. on
Inf. Sci. Sys., March 1970.
Coffman, E. G., Jr. Schwartz, J. I.,
and Weissman, C., ``Potentials in Large-Scale Time-Sharing
Systems,'' Proc. 2-nd Congress,
Information Systems and Sciences, Spartan Books,
Baltimore, 1964.
Coffman, E. G., Jr. Schwartz, J. I.,
and Weissman, C., ``A General Purpose Time-Sharing System,''
AFIPS Conf. Proc., (1964 SJCC),
Sparton Books, Baltimore, 347-411. (Best Paper award). pdf
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Puhalskii, A.A.,
and Reiman, M.I., ``Polling Systems in Heavy Traffic: A
Bessel Process Limit'' Math. Oper.
Res., 23 (1998), 257-304 (award winning paper).
File: pdfpostscript
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Pukhalskii, A.A.,
and Reiman, M.I., ``Polling Systems with Zero Switchover
Times: A Heavy-Traffic Averaging Principle,'' Ann. Appl. Prob.23 (1995), 681-219. File: pdfpostscript
Coffman, E.G., Jr. and Stolyar, A.,
``Continuous Polling on Graphs,'' Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci., 7 (1993), 209-226.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Gilbert, E. N.,
``Polling and Greedy Servers on a Line,'' Queueing Sys., Th. and Applic., 2 1987), 115-145.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Gilbert, E.
N., ``A Continuous Polling System with Constant Service
Times,'' IEEE Trans. on Information
Th.,IT-32 (1986), 584-591.
Boguslavsky, L. B., Coffman, E. G.,
Jr., Gilbert, E. N., and Kreinin, A. Y., ``Scheduling Checks
and Saves,'' ORSA J. Comput., 4 (1992), 60-69.
Boguslavsky, L.B., Coffman, E.G.,Jr.,
and Kreinin, A.Y., ``Optimal Strategies for Scheduling Tests
and Saves,'' Proc. 13-th Ann.
Internat. Conf. Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics,
Varna, Bulgaria, June 1990.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Gilbert, E.
N., ``Optimal Strategies for Scheduling Checkpoints and
Preventive Maintenance,'' IEEE
Trans. Reliability, 39
(1990), 9-18.
Coffman, E.G., Jr. and Wright, P.E.,
``Load Balancing on Two Identical Facilities,'' Tech. Rep. Bell Labs, 1990.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Pukhalskii, A.A.,
Reiman, M.I., and Wright, P.E., ``Asymptotics of Finite
Processor Shared Queues with Reneging,'' Performance Evaluation, 19 (1994), 25-46.
Browne, S., Coffman, E.G.,Jr., Gilbert,
E.N., and Wright, P.E., ``Gated, Exhaustive, Parallel
Service -- The Uniform Case,'' SIAM
J. Appl. Math., 52 (1992),
1751-1762. File: pdfpostscript
Browne, S., Coffman, E. G., Jr.,
Gilbert, E. N., and Wright, P. E., ``Gated, Exhaustive,
Parallel Service,'' Prob. Eng. Inf.
Sci., 6 (1992), 217-239.
Coffman, E. G., Jr. and E. N. Gilbert,
``Service with a Queue and a Cart,'' Manag. Sci.,38 (1992), 867-883.
Baccelli, F., Coffman, E. G., Jr., and
Gilbert, E. N., ``Tandem Conveyor Queues,'' Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci.3 (1989), 517-536.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Gelenbe, E. and
Gilbert, E. N., ``Analysis of a Conveyor Queue in a Flexible
Manufacturing System,'' Performance Evaluation
Review, 14 (1986), 204-223.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Gelenbe, E. and
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Coffman, E. G., Jr., Fayolle, G. and
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Coffman, E. G., Jr., Fayolle, G. and
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Coffman, E. G., Jr. and Mitrani, I.,
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``Selecting a Scheduling Rule to Meet Pre-Specified
Response-Time Demands,'' Operating
Systems Review, 9 (1975),
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Michel, J.,
``Synthesis of a Feedback Queueing Discipline for Computer
Operation,'' Proc. 7th Annual Princeton
Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, March
1973. (Expanded version below)
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Michel, J.,
``Synthesis of a Feedback Queueing Discipline for Computer
Operation,'' J. Assoc. Comp.
Mach., 21 (1974), 329-339.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Muntz, R.R., and
Trotter, H., ``Waiting Time Distributions for
Processor-Sharing Systems,'' J.
Assoc. Comp. Mach., 17
(1970), 123-130.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., ``Markov Chain
Analysis of Multiprogrammed Computer Systems,'' Naval Res. Log. Quart., 16 (1969), 175-197.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., ``On
State-Dependent Time Allocation Procedures for Time-Sharing
Systems,'' Proc. Purdue Centennial
Symposium on Information Processing, Purdue University,
April 1969.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., ``On the Trade-Off
Between Response and Preemption Costs in a
Foreground-Background Computer Service Discipline,'' IEEE Trans. Comp., C-18 (1969), 942-947.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., ``Analysis of Two
Time-Sharing Algorithms Designed for Limited Swapping,'' J. Assoc. Comp. Mach., 15 (1968), 341-353.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., ``An Analysis of
Computer Operations under Running-Time Priority
Disciplines,'' in Interactive
Systems for Experimental and Applied Mathematics,
Klerer, M. and Reinfelds, J. (eds.), Academic Press (1968),
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Kleinrock, L.,
``Feedback Queueing Models for Time-Shared Systems,'' Proc. Fifth International Teletraffic
Congress, 1967. (Expanded version below)
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Kleinrock, L.,
``Feedback Queueing Models for Time-Shared Systems,'' J. Assoc. Comp. Mach., 15 (1968), 549-576.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., ``Bounds on
Parallel-Processing of Queues with Multiple Phase Jobs,'' Naval Res. Log. Quart., 14 (1967), 345-366.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Kleinrock, L.,
``Distribution of Attained Service in Time-Sharing
Systems,'' J. Comp. Sys. Sci.,
1 (1967), 287-298.
Coffman, E. G., Jr. and Wood, R. C.,
``Interarrival Statistics for Time Sharing Systems,'' Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach., 14 (1966), 500-503.
Coffman, E. G. Jr., ``The Study of
Multiprogramming Systems,'' Datamation, 1966.
Coffman, E. G., Jr. and Krishnamoorthi,
B., ``Preliminary Analyses of Time-Shared Computer
Operation,'' Tech. Rep. SP-1719,
System Development Corp.,Aug. 1964.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Puhalsky, A. A.,
and Reiman, M. I., ``Storage Limited Queues in Heavy
Traffic,'' Prob. Eng. Inf.
Sci., 5 (1991), 499-522.
Boguslavsky, L., Coffman, E. G., Jr.,
Greenberg, A. G., and Stolyar, A. L., ``Asymptotic Analysis
of Memory Interference in Multiprocessor Systems,''
Tech. Rep., Bell Labs, 1991.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Reiman, M. I.
``Diffusion Approximations for Storage Processes in Computer
Systems,'' Proc. SIGMETRICS Conf., 1983. In Perf. Eval. Rev., Special Issue, 1983, 93-117 (best paper nomination).
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Leung, J. Y-T.,
and Slutz, D. ``On the Optimality of Fast Heuristics for
Scheduling and Storage Allocation Problems,'' Foundations of Control Engineering,
Poznan, Poland, 3 (1978).
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Ryan, T.A., ``A
Problem in Multiprogrammed Storage Allocation,'' IEEE Trans. on Comp., C-23 (1974), 1116-1122.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Ryan, T.A., ``A
Study of Storage Partitioning Using a Mathematical Model of
Locality,'' Proc. 3rd ACM Symp. on
Operating Systems, Oct. 1971. (Expanded version below)
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Ryan, T.A., ``A
Study of Storage Partitioning Using a Mathematical Model of
Locality,'' Comm. Assoc. Comp.
Mach., 15 (1972), 185-190.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Jones, N.,
``Priority Paging Algorithms and the Extension Problem,'' Proc. 12-th Ann. IEEE Symp. Switching
and Automata Theory (SWAT'71) (1971), 177-181.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and B. Randell,
``Performance Predictions for Extended Paged Memories,'' Acta Informatica, 1 (1971), 1-13.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and McKellar, A.C.,
``Organizing Matrices and Matrix Operations for Paged Memory
Systems,'' Comm. Assoc. Comp.
Mach., 12 (1969), 153-164.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Varian, L.,
``Further Experimental Data on the Behavior of Programs in a
Paged Computer System,'' Proc. First
ACM Symp. Operating System Principles, May 1968. (Expanded
version below)
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Varian, L.,
``Further Experimental Data on the Behavior of Programs in a
Paged Computer System,'' Comm.
Assoc. Comp. Mach., 11
(1968), 471-474.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., ``A Probability
Model Yielding Performance Bounds for Paging Systems,'' IEEE Trans. on Comp., C-17 (1968), 86-89.
Borst, S., Bruno, J., Coffman,
E.G.,Jr., Phillips, S., ``Scheduling Two-Point Stochastic
Jobs to Minimize the Makespan on Two Parallel Machines'' Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci., 11 (1997), 95--105. File: pdfpostscript
Bruno, J., Coffman, E.G., Jr., and
Downey, ``Scheduling Independent Tasks to Minimize the
Makespan on Identical Machines,'' Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci., 9 (1995), 447--456.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Flatto, L., Poonen,
B., and Wright, P.E., ``The Processor Minimization Problem
with Independent Waiting-Time Constraints,'' Theoretical Comput. Sci., 125 (1994), 3-16.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Flatto, L., and
Wright, P. E., ``Optimal Stochastic Allocation of Machines
under Waiting-Time Constraints,'' SIAM J. Comput., 22 (1993), 332-348.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Flatto, L., and
Wright, P. E., ``Stochastic Machine Minimization with
Constant Service Times,'' Math.
Oper. Res., 18 (1993),
Coffman, E. G., Jr. and Liu, Z.,
``Optimal Scheduling of Jobs with Out-Forest Precedence
Constraints,'' Oper. Res., 40 (1992), Supplement 1, S67-S75.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Hofri, M., and
Weiss, G., ``Scheduling Stochastic Jobs With a Two-Valued
Distribution on Two Parallel Processors,'' Prob. Eng. Inf. Sci. 3 (1989), 89-116.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Flatto, L., Garey,
M. R., and Weber, R. R., ``Minimizing Expected Makespans on
Uniform Processor Systems,'' Adv.
Appl. Prob., 19 (1987),
Agrawala, A., Coffman, E. G., Jr.,
Garey, M. R., and Tripathi, S., ``A Stochastic Optimization
Algorithm for Minimizing Expected Flow Times on Uniform
Machines,'' IEEE Trans. Comp., C-33 (1984), 351-356.
Bruno, J.L., Coffman, E.G., Jr., and
Johnson, D.B., ``On Batch Scheduling of Jobs with Stochastic
Service Times and Cost Structures on a Single Server,'' J. Comp. and Sys. Sci., 12 (1976), 319-335.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., D. Dereniowski, and
W. Kubiak, ``An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Ideal Schedules," Acta Informatica, , 2011.
File: pdf
Coffman, E. G., Jr., J. Sethuraman, and
V. Timkovsky, ``Ideal Preemptive Schedules on Two
Processors," Acta Informatica ,
39 (2003), 597-612. File: pdfpostscript
Blazewicz, J., Coffman, E. G., Jr.,
Ecker, K., and Finke, G., Editors: Special Issue of Selected
Papers, Dagstuhl Workshop on Scheduling in Computer and
Manufacturing Systems, J. Scheduling
, 5 (2002).
Coffman, E.G.,Jr. and Even, S., ``A
Note on Limited Preemption'' Parallel Processing Letters, 8 (1998), 3-6. File: pdfpostscript
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Garey, M. R.,
``Proof of the 4/3 Conjecture for Preemptive vs.
Nonpreemptive Two-Processor Scheduling,'' Proc. ACM Symp. Th. Comput. (STOC'91), ACM
Press, 1991, 241-248. (Expanded version below)
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Garey, M. R.,
``Proof of the 4/3 Conjecture for Preemptive vs.
Nonpreemptive Two-Processor Scheduling,'' J. Assoc.
Comput. Mach., 40 (1993),
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Yannakakis, M.,
Magazine, M. J., and Santos, C., ``Batch Sizing and Job
Sequencing on a Single Machine,'' Ann. Oper. Res., 26 (1990), 135-147.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Nozari, A. and
Yannakakis, M., ``Optimal Scheduling of Products with Two
Subassemblies on a Single Machine,'' Oper. Res.,
37 (1989), 426-436.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Yannakakis,
M., ``Permuting Elements within Columns to Minimize the
Maximum Row Sum of a Matrix,'' Math.
Oper. Res.,9 (1984),
Coffman, E. G., Jr. and Langston, M.
A., ``A Performance Guarantee for Greedy Set Partitioning,''
Acta Informatica, 21 (1984), 409-415.
Coffman, E. G., Jr. Garey, M. R., and
Johnson, D. S., ``An Application of Bin-Packing to
Multiprocessor Scheduling,'' SIAM J.
Comput.,7 (1978), 1-17.
(One of SIAM's Best Paper nominations for 1978.)
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Labetoulle,
J., ``Flow-Time Sequencing of Independent Tasks on Multiple
Processors,'' Proc. 9th
Hawaiian Conference on Information Sciences, Jan. 1976.
(Expanded version below)
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Labetoulle,
J., ``Flow-Time Sequencing of Independent Tasks on Multiple
Processors,'' INFOR (Can. J.
Oper. Res. and Inf. Proc.) 15
(1977), 289-307.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Sethi, R., ``A
Generalized Bound on LPT Sequencing,'' Computer Performance --
1976, Chen, P.S. and Franklin, M. (eds.), Assoc. Comput.
Mach. (1976), 306-310. (Expanded version below)
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Sethi, R., ``A
Generalized Bound on LPT Sequencing,'' Revue Bleue d'AFCET, (R.A.O.
Informatique), 10 (1976), 17-25.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Sethi, R.,
``Algorithms Minimizing Mean Flow Time: Schedule-Length
Properties,'' Acta Informatica,
6 (1976), 1-14.
Bruno, J.L., Coffman, E.G., Jr., and
Sethi, R., ``Algorithms for Minimizing Mean Flow Time,'' Proc. IFIPS 74 Congress, North
Holland (1974), 504-510.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., ``A Survey of
Mathematical Results in Flow-Time Sequencing for Computer
Systems,'' Proc. GI73,
Springer-Verlag (1973), 25-46.
Bruno, J., Coffman, E.G., Jr., and
Sethi, R., ``Algorithms for Reducing Mean Flow Times,'' Proc. ACM Symp. Oper. Sys. Princ. (SOSP'73). In Operating Systems Review, 7 (1973), 102-103. (Expanded version below)
Bruno, J., Coffman, E.G., Jr., and
Sethi, R., ``Algorithms for Reducing Mean Flow Times,'' Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach., 17 (1974), 382-387.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Graham, R.L.,
``Optimal Scheduling of Two-Processor Systems,'' Proc. 5-th Ann. Princeton Conf.
Inf. Sci. Sys.. (Expanded version below)
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Graham, R.L.,
``Optimal Scheduling of Two-Processor Systems,'' Acta Informatica1 (1972), 200-213.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Muntz, R.R.,
``Preemptive Scheduling of Real Time Tasks on Multiprocessor
Systems,'' J. Assoc. Comp.
Mach., 17 (1970), 324-338.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Muntz, R.R.,
``Preemptive Scheduling of Real Time Tasks on Multiprocessor
Systems,'' Hard Real-Time Systems,
Stankovic, J.A. and Ramamritham, K., Computer Society press
of the IEEE (1988), 190-204.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Muntz, R.R.,
``Optimal Sequencing of Computation Graphs on Two-Processor
Systems,'' Proc. Allerton Conf. on System and
Circuit Theory, 1968. (Expanded version below)
Coffman, E.G., Jr., and Muntz, R.R.,
``Optimal Sequencing of Computation Graphs on Two-Processor
Systems,'' IEEE Trans. Comp., C-18 (1969), 1014-1020.
Coffman, E.G., Jr. and Whitt, W.,
``Recent Results in the Probabilistic Analysis of Schedule
Makespans,'' in Scheduling Theory
and Its Applications, Wiley (1995). File: pdfpostscript
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Flatto, L. and
Whitt, W., ``Stochastic Limit Laws for Schedule Makespans''
Stochastic Models, 12 (1996), 215--243. File: pdfpostscript
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Lueker, G.S., and
Rinnooy Kan, A.H.G., ``Asymptotic Methods in the
Probabilistic Analysis of Sequencing and Packing
Heuristics,'' Management Sci.,34 (1988), 266-290.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Frederickson, G.
N., and Lueker, G. S., ``Expected Makespans for
Largest-First Sequences of Independent Tasks on Two
Processors,'' Math. Oper.
Res., 9 (1984), 260-266.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., and Gilbert, E.
N., ``Expected Relative Performance of List Scheduling
Rules,'' Oper. Res., 33 (1985), 548-561.
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Flatto, L. and
Lueker, G. S., ``Expected Makespans of Largest-First
Sequences,'' Performance `84,
Gelenbe, E. (ed.), NorthHolland (1984), 491-506.
Chretienne, Ph., Coffman, E.G., Jr.,
Lenstra, J.K., and Liu, Z. (Editors), Scheduling Theory and Its
Applications, Wiley, Chichester, England (1995).
Coffman, E. G., Jr., ``Deterministic
Sequencing: Complexity and Optimal Algorithms,'' in Selected Papers on Operating Systems,
Arato, M. and Knuth, E. (eds.), KSH Szamki, Budapest
(1978), 159-194.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Computer and Job-Shop Scheduling
Theory, John Wiley and Sons, 1975 (editor and
co-author). Russian and Polish translations.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., ``Scheduling
Theory: Complexity and Optimal Algorithms,'' Proc. Texas Conf. on Computer
Science, Nov. 1975.
Coffman, E.G., Jr., Constantinides, A.,
Rubenstein, D., Shepherd, B., and Stavrou, A., ``Content
Distribution for Seamless Transmission'', Proc. SIGMETRICS'04 Conf. In Perform. Eval. Rev.,32 (2004), 31--32. File: postscript
Constantinides, A. and Coffman, E., ``
Seamless Self-Assembly of Files in Cache Networks at Minimal
Storage Cost,'' (2009), submitted for publication. File: postscript
Constantinides, A. and Coffman, E., ``
Optimal Seamless Self-Assembly of Files in Linear
Networks," Optimization Letters, 1 (2007): 119-128. File: postscript
Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E.,
Jelenkovic, P. Momcilovic, P. and Rubenstein, D., ``Flood
Search under the California Split Rule," Oper. Res. Lett.,32 (2004), 199--206. File: postscript
Baryshnikov, Y., Coffman, E., Pierre,
G., Rubenstein, D., and Yimwadsana, B., ``Predictability of
Web-Server Traffic Congestion,'' Proc., 10-th International
Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution, 2005.
File: postscript
Coffman, E.G.,Jr., Jelenkovic, P., and
Momcilovic, P., ``Provably Efficient Stream Merging,'' Proc. 6-th International Workshop on Web Content
Caching And Content Distribution , Boston, MA 2001,
(Extended version below).
File: pdf
Coffman, E.G.,Jr., Jelenkovic, P., and
Momcilovic, P., ``The Dyadic Stream Merging Algorithm,'' J. Algorithms, 43(2002), 120--137.
Talim, J., Liu, Z., Nain, P., and
Coffman, E.G.,Jr., ``Controlling Robots of Web Search
Engines,'' Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS
Conference, 2001, 236-244. . File: pdfpostscript
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Z. Liu, Ph. Nain,
and J. Talim, ``Optimizing the Number of Robots for Web
Search Engines,'' Proc. 7-th International
Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Nashville,
March 1999. (Expanded version below)
Coffman, E. G., Jr., Z. Liu, Ph. Nain,
and J. Talim, ``Optimizing the Number of Robots for Web
Search Engines,'' Telecomm. Sys.17 (2001), 245--266.
Coffman, E.G.,Jr., Liu, Z., and Weber,
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