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Interface javax.comm.CommDriver

public interface CommDriver
Part of the loadable device driver interface. CommDriver should not be used by application-level programs.

Method Index

 o getCommPort(String, int)
getCommPort() will be called by CommPortIdentifier from its open() method.
 o initialize()
initialize() will be called by the CommPortIdentifier's static initializer.


 o initialize
 public abstract void initialize()
initialize() will be called by the CommPortIdentifier's static initializer. The responsibility of this method is: 1) Ensure that that the hardware is present. 2) Load any required native libraries. 3) Register the port names with the CommPortIdentifier.

 o getCommPort
 public abstract CommPort getCommPort(String portName,
                                      int portType)
getCommPort() will be called by CommPortIdentifier from its open() method. portName is a string that was registered earlier using the CommPortIdentifier.addPortName() method. getCommPort() returns an object that extends either SerialPort or ParallelPort.

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