All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


addEventListener(ParallelPortEventListener). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Registers a ParallelPortEventListener object for ParallelPortEvents.
addEventListener(SerialPortEventListener). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Registers a SerialPortEventListener object to listen for SerialEvents.
addPortName(String, int, CommDriver). Static method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Adds portName to the list of ports.
addPortOwnershipListener(CommPortOwnershipListener). Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Registers an interested application so that it can receive notification of changes in port ownership.


BI. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Break interrupt.


CD. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Carrier detect.
close(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Closes the communications port.
CTS. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Clear to send.
currentOwner. Variable in class javax.comm.PortInUseException
Describes the current owner of the communications port.


DATA_AVAILABLE. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Data available at the serial port.
DATABITS_5. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
5 data bit format.
DATABITS_6. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
6 data bit format.
DATABITS_7. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
7 data bit format.
DATABITS_8. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
8 data bit format.
disableReceiveFraming(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Disables receive framing.
disableReceiveThreshold(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Disables receive threshold.
disableReceiveTimeout(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Disables receive timeout.
DSR. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Data set ready.


enableReceiveFraming(int). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Enables receive framing, if this feature is supported by the driver.
enableReceiveThreshold(int). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Enables receive threshold, if this feature is supported by the driver.
enableReceiveTimeout(int). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Enables receive timeout, if this feature is supported by the driver.
eventType. Variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
For compatibility with version 1.0 of the CommAPI only.
eventType. Variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
The type of event.


FE. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Framing error.
FLOWCONTROL_NONE. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Flow control off.
FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
RTS/CTS flow control on input.
FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
RTS/CTS flow control on output.
FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
XON/XOFF flow control on input.
FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
XON/XOFF flow control on output.


getBaudRate(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the currently configured baud rate.
getCommPort(String, int). Method in interface javax.comm.CommDriver
getCommPort() will be called by CommPortIdentifier from its open() method.
getCurrentOwner(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Returns the owner of the port.
getDataBits(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the currently configured number of data bits.
getEventType(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
Gets the type of this event.
getEventType(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Gets the type of this event.
getFlowControlMode(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the currently configured flow control mode.
getInputBufferSize(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the input buffer size.
getInputStream(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Returns an input stream.
getMode(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Gets the currently configured mode.
getName(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the name of the communications port.
getName(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Returns the name of the port.
getNewValue(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
Gets the new value of the state change that caused the ParallelPortEvent to be propagated.
getNewValue(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Gets the new value of the state change that caused the SerialPortEvent to be propagated.
getOldValue(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
Gets the old value of the state change that caused the ParallelPortEvent to be propagated.
getOldValue(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Gets the old value of the state change that caused the SerialPortEvent to be propagated.
getOutputBufferFree(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Gets the number of bytes available in the output buffer.
getOutputBufferSize(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the output buffer size.
getOutputStream(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Returns an output stream.
getParity(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Get the currently configured parity setting.
getPortIdentifier(CommPort). Static method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Obtains the CommPortIdentifier object corresponding to a port that has already been opened by the application.
getPortIdentifier(String). Static method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Obtains a CommPortIdentifier object by using a port name.
getPortIdentifiers(). Static method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Obtains an enumeration object that contains a CommPortIdentifier object for each port in the system.
getPortType(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Returns the port type.
getReceiveFramingByte(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the current byte used for receive framing.
getReceiveThreshold(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the integer value of the receive threshold.
getReceiveTimeout(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Gets the integer value of the receive timeout.
getStopBits(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the currently defined stop bits.


initialize(). Method in interface javax.comm.CommDriver
initialize() will be called by the CommPortIdentifier's static initializer.
isCD(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the CD (Carrier Detect) bit in the UART.
isCTS(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the CTS (Clear To Send) bit in the UART.
isCurrentlyOwned(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Checks whether the port is owned.
isDSR(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the DSR (Data Set Ready) bit in the UART.
isDTR(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) bit in the UART.
isPaperOut(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the port is indicating an "Out of Paper" state.
isPrinterBusy(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the port is indicating a "Printer Busy" state.
isPrinterError(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the printer has encountered an error.
isPrinterSelected(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the printer is in selected state.
isPrinterTimedOut(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Checks if the printer has timed out.
isReceiveFramingEnabled(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Checks if receive framing is enabled.
isReceiveThresholdEnabled(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Checks if receive threshold is enabled.
isReceiveTimeoutEnabled(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Checks if receive timeout is enabled.
isRI(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the RI (Ring Indicator) bit in the UART.
isRTS(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Gets the state of the RTS (Request To Send) bit in the UART.


LPT_MODE_ANY. Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Picks the best available mode.
LPT_MODE_ECP. Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Enhanced capabilities port.
LPT_MODE_EPP. Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Extended parallel port.
LPT_MODE_NIBBLE. Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Nibble Mode.
LPT_MODE_PS2. Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Byte mode.
LPT_MODE_SPP. Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Compatibility mode.


name. Variable in class javax.comm.CommPort
notifyOnBreakInterrupt(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is a break interrupt on the line.
notifyOnBuffer(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Expresses interest in being notified when the output buffer is empty.
notifyOnCarrierDetect(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the CD (Carrier Detect) bit changes.
notifyOnCTS(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the CTS (Clear To Send) bit changes.
notifyOnDataAvailable(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when input data is available.
notifyOnDSR(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the DSR (Data Set Ready) bit changes.
notifyOnError(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Expresses interest in being notified of port errors.
notifyOnFramingError(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is a framing error.
notifyOnOutputEmpty(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the output buffer is empty.
notifyOnOverrunError(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is an overrun error.
notifyOnParityError(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is a parity error.
notifyOnRingIndicator(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Expresses interest in receiving notification when the RI (Ring Indicator) bit changes.


OE. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Overrun error.
open(FileDescriptor). Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Opens the communications port using a FileDescriptor object on platforms that support this technique.
open(String, int). Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Opens the communications port.
OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Output buffer is empty.
ownershipChange(int). Method in interface javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener
Propagates a CommPortOwnership event.


PAR_EV_BUFFER. Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
The port's output buffer is empty.
PAR_EV_ERROR. Static variable in class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
An error occurred on the port.
parallelEvent(ParallelPortEvent). Method in interface javax.comm.ParallelPortEventListener
Propagates a ParallelPortEvent event.
ParallelPort(). Constructor for class javax.comm.ParallelPort
ParallelPortEvent(ParallelPort, int, boolean, boolean). Constructor for class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent
Constructs a ParallelPortEvent with the specified parallel port, event type, old and new values.
PARITY_EVEN. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
EVEN parity scheme.
PARITY_MARK. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
MARK parity scheme.
PARITY_NONE. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
No parity bit.
PARITY_ODD. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
ODD parity scheme.
PARITY_SPACE. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
SPACE parity scheme.
PE. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Parity error.
PORT_OWNED. Static variable in interface javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener
The port just went from unowned to owned state, when an application successfully called
PORT_OWNERSHIP_REQUESTED. Static variable in interface javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener
Ownership contention.
PORT_PARALLEL. Static variable in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
IEEE 1284 parallel port
PORT_SERIAL. Static variable in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
RS-232 serial port
PORT_UNOWNED. Static variable in interface javax.comm.CommPortOwnershipListener
The port just went from owned to unowned state, when the port's owner called CommPort.close.


removeEventListener(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Deregisters event listener registered using addEventListener.
removeEventListener(). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Deregisters event listener registered using addEventListener.
removePortOwnershipListener(CommPortOwnershipListener). Method in class javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier
Deregisters a CommPortOwnershipListener registered using addPortOwnershipListener
restart(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Restarts output after an error.
RI. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Ring indicator.


sendBreak(int). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sends a break of millis milliseconds duration.
serialEvent(SerialPortEvent). Method in interface javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener
Propagates a SerialPortEvent event.
SerialPort(). Constructor for class javax.comm.SerialPort
SerialPortEvent(SerialPort, int, boolean, boolean). Constructor for class javax.comm.SerialPortEvent
Constructs a SerialPortEvent with the specified serial port, event type, old and new values.
setDTR(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sets or clears the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) bit in the UART.
setFlowControlMode(int). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sets the flow control mode.
setInputBufferSize(int). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Sets the input buffer size.
setMode(int). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Sets the printer port mode.
setOutputBufferSize(int). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Sets the output buffer size.
setRcvFifoTrigger(int). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Set the Receive Fifo trigger level If the uart has a FIFO and if it can have programmable trigger levels, then this method will cause the uart to raise an interrupt after trigger bytes have been received.
setRTS(boolean). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sets or clears the RTS (Request To Send) bit in the UART.
setSerialPortParams(int, int, int, int). Method in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Sets serial port parameters.
STOPBITS_1. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Number of STOP bits - 1.
STOPBITS_1_5. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Number of STOP bits - 1-1/2.
STOPBITS_2. Static variable in class javax.comm.SerialPort
Number of STOP bits - 2.
suspend(). Method in class javax.comm.ParallelPort
Suspends output.


toString(). Method in class javax.comm.CommPort
Returns a String representation of this communications port.


UnsupportedCommOperationException(). Constructor for class javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException
Constructs an UnsupportedCommOperationException with no detail message.
UnsupportedCommOperationException(String). Constructor for class javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException
Constructs an UnsupportedCommOperationException with the specified detail message.