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Class javax.comm.ParallelPortEvent


public class ParallelPortEvent
extends EventObject
A parallel port event.

See Also:
ParallelPort, ParallelPortEventListener, EventObject

Variable Index

 o eventType
For compatibility with version 1.0 of the CommAPI only. Deprecated.
The port's output buffer is empty.
An error occurred on the port.

Constructor Index

 o ParallelPortEvent(ParallelPort, int, boolean, boolean)
Constructs a ParallelPortEvent with the specified parallel port, event type, old and new values.

Method Index

 o getEventType()
Gets the type of this event.
 o getNewValue()
Gets the new value of the state change that caused the ParallelPortEvent to be propagated.
 o getOldValue()
Gets the old value of the state change that caused the ParallelPortEvent to be propagated.


 o eventType
 public int eventType
Note: eventType is deprecated. Replaced by getEventType method.

For compatibility with version 1.0 of the CommAPI only.

 public static final int PAR_EV_ERROR
An error occurred on the port.

 public static final int PAR_EV_BUFFER
The port's output buffer is empty.


 o ParallelPortEvent
 public ParallelPortEvent(ParallelPort srcport,
                          int eventtype,
                          boolean oldvalue,
                          boolean newvalue)
Constructs a ParallelPortEvent with the specified parallel port, event type, old and new values. Application programs should not directly create ParallelPortEvent objects.

srcport - source parallel port
eventtype - event type
oldvalue - old value
newvalue - new value


 o getEventType
 public int getEventType()
Gets the type of this event.

integer that can be either PAR_EV_ERROR or PAR_EV_BUFFER
 o getNewValue
 public boolean getNewValue()
Gets the new value of the state change that caused the ParallelPortEvent to be propagated.

 o getOldValue
 public boolean getOldValue()
Gets the old value of the state change that caused the ParallelPortEvent to be propagated.

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