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Class javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException


public class UnsupportedCommOperationException
extends Exception
Thrown when a driver doesn't allow the specified operation.

See Also:
CommPort, CommPortIdentifier, ParallelPort, SerialPort

Constructor Index

 o UnsupportedCommOperationException()
Constructs an UnsupportedCommOperationException with no detail message.
 o UnsupportedCommOperationException(String)
Constructs an UnsupportedCommOperationException with the specified detail message.


 o UnsupportedCommOperationException
 public UnsupportedCommOperationException(String str)
Constructs an UnsupportedCommOperationException with the specified detail message.

s - the detail message.
 o UnsupportedCommOperationException
 public UnsupportedCommOperationException()
Constructs an UnsupportedCommOperationException with no detail message.

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