Summary | Past and Present Projects | Recent Talks
My main area of research is computational linguistics, specifically the relationship between intonation and discourse. My current interests include: deceptive speech; spoken dialogue systems; spoken indicators of trust; entrainment in dialogue; Text-to-Speech synthesis; detecting hate speech; radicalization in videos; charismatic speech; and empathetic speech. For a fuller description of these and earlier projects as well as our collaborators on these please visit Projects and People --- a complete list of publications can be found in Papers & Presentations. If you have trouble finding any papers, please send me email. Slides from a tutorial with a bibliography are also available for download. Also, I have written several general surveys of work on intonational meaning and on text-to-speech synthesis, including "Pragmatics and Prosody" in the Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics, "Communication and Prosody" in Speech Communication 36 (2002), an article in the Handbook of Pragmatics, "Pragmatics and Intonation," (2003), and a section of the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics on "Speech Synthesis, Prosody" (final draft).
Julia Hirschberg
Percy K. and Vida L. W. Hudson Professor of Computer Science
Columbia University
Department of Computer Science
1214 Amsterdam Avenue
M/C 0401
450 CS Building
New York, NY 10027
email: julia@cs.columbia.edu
phone: (212) 853-8464