COMS 1004 - Spring 2007 - Intro to Computer Science and Programming in Java
Tutorial 6 - Homework submission
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This tutorial deals with how to extract your files from the project so you can upload them back to your cunix server for testing and submission.
If we were going to submit the tutorial project, we need to:
- find the source files
- upload them to your cunix server
- test them on the cunix server
- run the submit script
Step 1: Get the source files
- Go to the root of your project folder. This is the place where you decided to put the project in the New Project screen. From the root of the project folder, go to the src folder to find your Java files.
- For the Tutorial program, the absolute path for the project folder was this:
- C:\Documents and Settings\Mike\Desktop\Tutorial\
- To find my Java source files, they will be in here
- C:\Documents and Settings\Mike\Desktop\Tutorial\src\
Step 2: Upload them to your cunix server
- Using WinSCP or some other SFTP program, upload each Java file to cunix. Make sure you put the files in a new directory. For example, if you are uploading homework 4, you should make a separate hwk4 directory.
- For the Tutorial program, put these files:
- C:\Documents and Settings\Mike\Desktop\Tutorial\src\
- C:\Documents and Settings\Mike\Desktop\Tutorial\src\
- on the cunix server, here:
- home/ms3311/cs1004/tutorial
Step 3: Test your program on the cunix server
We can not stress testing your assignments on the cunix server enough. Make sure you manually "javac" each source file and then "java" the Driver class. If something is "working in Netbeans", but does not work when we compile using javac on our testing machines, you will still lose points.
Using the excuse "It worked on Netbeans" is not a valid one. So again, PLEASE be sure to test your program and make sure it is working before you submit it to us.
prompt> javac
prompt> javac
prompt> java Driver
Step 4: Run the submit script
You should know how to do this from previous homeworks. Move on to the debugging tutorial.