Having shown the update equation for moving each gate's mean, we now
turn our attention to the gate's covariance. Recall that each gating
function was an unnormalized Gaussian as in
Equation 7.14. Gaussians have no constraints on
their mean which can be any real vector. Thus, it was possible to just
bound the Q function with parabolas for the mean variable. However,
Gaussians have constraints on their covariances which must remain
symmetric and positive semi-definite. Thus, we can not use simple
parabolic bounds trivially over all the parameters of the
matrices. Maximizing a parabola might return
parameters for
which don't maintain the above
constraints. Thus, we explicitly bound the Q function with the
logarithm of a single Gaussian density. Maximizing a Gaussian (as in
maximum likelihood type calculations) is guaranteed to yield a
symmetric positive definite matrix. Thus, we shall use it as a bound
as in Equation 7.27. For compactness, we are merely
Once again, we assume the data has been appropriately whitened with respect to the gate's previous parameters. Without generality, therefore, we can transform the data and assume that the previous value of the mean is 0 and the covariance is identity. We again solve for the parameters of the log-Gaussian bound using the three requirements (contact, tangentiality and tightness) and obtain the kim, him, wim as in Equation 7.28.
As before, we would like an efficient way of solving for the minimal
value of wim to get the tightest possible bound. In the
definition, wim is lower bounded by a function of the covariance matrix which may
contain very many parameters. We wish to find the maximum of this
function (call it g) to find the minimum valid wim (which forms the tightest
bound). Instead of exhaustively searching for
the maximum of g by varying the many parameters of ,
we note a few
simplifications. First, the covariance matrix can be written in terms
of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
We also
note that the denominator does not rely on the eigenvectors and can be
written as in Equation 7.29.
The numerator of g can thus use V to further optimize gindependently of the denominator. As a consequence, one can vary the
eigenvectors to select any eigenvalue in
by rotating
the basis. Thus, the numerator only depend on the minimal and maximal
values of the eigenvalue matrix (
). The denominator can then freely vary all other
eigenvalues in between without affecting the numerator's range. Thus,
we only need to search over different values of
or two parameters. Using this and a further constraint
which forces either
to be 1, we end
up with a g function which is only a function of the magnitude of
the data point
and a single free scalar
as in Equation 7.30. This
result was verified with numerical tests as well.
Given a value of
from observed data, we need to find the best
wminim by checking all the values of
In an offline
process which requires a few seconds, we form a table of wminimfor each
using Brent's method at each point. Thus, using this
1D lookup table, we can immediately compute the width of the bound
given a data point. The values are shown in Figure 7.5
where we plot the max of the g function with respect to
Using this table, we can immediately compute the minimum
wminim by looking up the corresponding value of
for the
current data point and subsequently compute the rest of the bound's
Some examples of a log-Gaussian bound are shown in Figure 7.6 under different sub-components of the Qfunction. Each sub-component corresponds to a single data point as we vary one gate's uni-variate covariance. Many such parabolic bounds are computed (one for each data point and gate combination) and are summed to bound the Q function in its entirety.
To obtain a final answer for the update of the gate covariances
we simply maximize the sum of log Gaussians which
bounds the Q in its entirety. For M gates and N data points, we
bounds each with its own
). The update is in
Equation 7.31.
This covariance is then unwhitened by inverting the transform used to move the data. This undoes the whitening operation which allowed us to transform data and consequently simplify intermediate calculations .