Call For Papers
*** Note: Deadline extended to May 20 ***
Asking questions is a fundamental cognitive process that underlies higher-level cognitive abilities such as comprehension and reasoning. Ultimately, question generation allows humans, and in many cases artificial intelligence systems, to understand their environment and each other. Research on question generation (QG) has a long history in artificial intelligence, psychology, education, and natural language processing. One thread of research has been theoretical, with attempts to understand and specify the triggers (e.g., knowledge discrepancies) and mechanisms (e.g., association between type of knowledge discrepancy and question type) underlying QG. The other thread of research has focused on automated QG, which has far-reaching applications in intelligent technologies, such as dialogue systems, question answering systems, web search, intelligent tutoring systems, automated assessment systems, inquiry-based environments, adaptive intelligent agents and game-based learning environments.
This symposium will foster theoretical and applied research on computational and cognitive aspects of QG bringing together participants from diverse disciplines including, but not limited to, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Psychology, and Education.
We invite submissions of full papers (up to 8 pages, including references) and short papers (up to 4 pages, including references) for poster and/or oral presentations. Presenters of system implementations will be given the option of presenting their work as a demo, a poster, or a combination of both. The authors should submit extended abstracts (approximately 800 - 1000 words for short papers and 1500 - 2000 words for long papers) by May 20, 2011. Submission questions should be directed to the organizers at qg2011 at googlegroups dot com
Organizing Committee
Arthur Graesser (University of Memphis, USA), James Lester (North Carolina State University, USA), Jack Mostow (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Rashmi Prasad (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Svetlana Stoyanchev (The Open University, UK)
Important dates
- Paper submission: May 20, 2011
- Acceptance notification: June 3, 2011
- Final submission: September 9, 2011
- Symposia: November 4 - 6, 2011