Topics of Interest
We invite submissions that deal with theoretical, empirical, and computational aspects of Question Generation, encouraging completed as well as speculative or in-progress work. Topics will include, but will not be limited to, the following:
- Cognitive models of QG
- Question taxonomies
- Empirical approaches to QG
- QG tasks and subtasks
- Evaluation methods for QG (human, automatic, semi-automatic)
- Corpus annotation schemes for QG
- Automated question assessment
- Representation language(s) for data/resource sharing between QG systems
- Impact of NLP technologies on QG tasks
- Context-sensitive question type selection or ranking
- Descriptions of implemented systems or components
- Applications of QG (intelligent tutoring systems, dialogue systems, web querying, querying over information repositories, etc.)
- Generation from different inputs – knowledge bases, ontologies, text, queries
- QG system implementations description