CS3134: Schedule & Homeworks
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The following schedule is tentative and is subject to change as the semester proceeds. After each class, I'll link each title to a brief set notes for that class in PDF format. For the homeworks, check out the submission instructions. Solutions for a given homework may be browsed by clicking on the corresponding homework's "due" link.

#DateTopicReading DueHWMiscellaneous
1 9/7 Introduction, motivation, abstraction   HW#0 out  
2 9/9 Java refresher, OO Ch. 1   William's recitation
3 9/14 Java refresher, OO II      
4 9/16 Lists I (arrays) Ch. 2 (p. 33-52) HW#1 out Lecture code
5 9/21 Lists II (arrays, ordered arrays, binary search) Ch. 2 (p. 52-76)   Lecture code
6 9/23 Ordered lists     Lecture code
7 9/28 Ordered lists II, Big-Oh notation, Sorting I (bubble, selection, insertion sorts) Ch. 3   Lecture code
8 9/30 Sorting II, Stacks, Queues Ch. 4 HW#1 due; HW#2 out Lecture code
9 10/5 Stacks, Queues cont'd.     Lecture code
10 10/7 Stack, queue examples; Linked Lists I (basics) Ch. 5    
11 10/12 Linked Lists II (operations, double-ended)     Lecture code
12 10/14 Linked Lists III (doubly-linked, comparison to arrays, iterators)   HW#2 due; HW#3 out  
13 10/19 Recursion Ch. 6    
* 10/21 Midterm (covering #1-12)
14 10/26 Midterm returned, Recursion, Sorting (mergesort) Ch. 7 (p. 333-359)    
15 10/28 Sorting (mergesort, radix sort)   HW#3 due; HW#4 out  
* 11/2 Election day holiday
16 11/4 Sorting (quicksort)      
17 11/9 Sorting (quicksort cont'd); Trees I (basics) Ch. 8 (p. 365-415)    
18 11/11 Trees II (representation, examples) Ch. 8 (p. 415-425) HW#4 due; HW#5 out  
19 11/16 Hashing Ch. 11    
20 11/18 Heaps, heapsort Ch. 12    
21 11/23 Graphs I (intro, searches, spanning trees) Ch. 13 (p. 615-649)    
* 11/25 Thanksgiving
22 11/30 Graphs II (topological sort, connectivity) Ch. 13 (p. 649-667) HW#5 due; HW#6 out  
23 12/2 Graphs III (weighted graphs, MST) Ch. 14 (p. 669-687)    
24 12/7 Graphs IV (Dijkstra, Floyd shortest-path algorithms) Ch. 14 (p. 687-715)    
25 12/9 Putting it together, Java Collections, Final review Ch. 15    
* 12/13 No class HW#6 due  
* TBD Final exam review
* 12/21 Final exam, 9am-12pm